Printed paper and its authors and designers have profoundly shaped our society and culture. Without books, newspapers, magazines, posters, leaflets, maps or bank- notes, our modern world would be different - and we ourselves would probably be very different, too. Between Gutenberg‘s first attempts at printing and the leaflets of the White Rose lie six centuries in which everything important or at least interesting enough always also got printed and published. We humans told each other our story(s) and passed them on in printed form. Later, pictures learned to move and became increa- singly electronic, digital and global. The boundaries between fiction and reality became more permeable, as did those between the author and his audience. And today, when we can actually substitute everything analogue quite wonderfully with some- thing digital, some of the »good old things« are probably more important to us than ever before. In this issue of Some Magazine we have dedicated ourselves to the print, we celebrate it and we are pleased to invite you to join us. Enjoy the pages of this magazine.

Editorial / Design
Anika Halbach, Monique Petermann, Hanna Tracz