The invisible and yet very powerful element has always been of fundamental importance for man- kind. What an important role it also plays in art and design, one would perhaps not initially suspect. We have traced the wind in its most diverse manifestations and talked about it with very different designers. The magazine also places a special focus on the flying kite. Already more than 10.000 years ago, on the Indonesian island of Muna, a kite was depicted in a cave drawing. With time, the kite developed over thousands of years in a wide variety of cultures and contexts. Testing the wind, measuring distances, sending signals and messages, transporting people to high altitudes, as an antenna, as advertising or simply for pleasure.
For this issue we talked among others to the legendary artist Graham Stevens, admired the asymme- trical kites of Anna Rubin, Markus Lange wrote to us from Cairo about the kites over the city and the New York artist Liam Gillick sent us a poster, that is exclusively enclosed with this issue.

Editorial / Design
Katja Grahl, Marielouis Hippler, Johann Jacoby, Maria Chiara Sgarbi,
Klara Stangl,Katarina Stefanakos
Klara Stangl,Katarina Stefanakos
Issue #11 Autumn 2020